Job title : Community Agent for Active Research (ACRA)

Under the supervision of : Responsible for mobilization

Place of assignment  : AFSU / SANGMELIMA (07) – DJOUM (05) – ZOETELE (02) – MEYOMESSALA (02) – BENGBIS (02)

Publication date : April 26, 2024

Deadline for submitting applications : May 2, 2024

Place of submission of files  : Online at or with the heads of the  Diagnostic and Treatment Centers (CDT) of the respective health facilities depending on the candidate’s residence ( HD Sangmélima, HD Djoum, HD Meyomessala, CMA Bengbis and HD Zoetele ).

Contract duration  : 9 months

Position status  : VOLUNTEER


The Cameroon National Coordinating Mechanism (ICN) for grants from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, has retained CARE International in Cameroon (CARE) to act as Principal Recipient (PR) of the Civil Society as part of the Project “Scale up of HIV prevention to contribute to the reduction of HIV related morbidity and mortality HIV/TB by 2026” hereinafter referred to as the Global Fund Project (CMR-C-CARE N°3649) or PFM/ GC7.

At the end of a selection process, PR CARE selected the NGO FEMMES-SANTE-DEVELOPPEMENT (FESADE), to act as Sub-Recipient (SR) in charge of implementing the community component of the fight against tuberculosis.

SR FESADE, in turn, recruited (24) twenty-four Community Based Organizations to intervene as Sub-Sub Recipients (SSR) of the said component in (18) eighteen cities spread across the ( 10) ten Regions of Cameroon. The Association of United Brothers and Sisters (AFSU) was selected as SSR to intervene in the towns of SANGMELIMA, DJOUM, ZOETELE, MEYOMESSALA, BENGBIS.

In this continuation, the AFSU is recruiting in emergency procedure 18 Community Agents for Active Research to intervene in the satellite CDTs of HD Sangmélima, HD Djoum, HD Meyomessala, CMA Bengbis and HD Zoetele. The ACRA, who must be a resident of the locality and will work in close collaboration with the CDT managers. 

Job Summary

ACRA is a volunteer (volunteer) trained to help the community adopt lower risk and responsible health behavior. He/she must support AFSU in the implementation of the project in his satellite city of assignment. To this end, ACRA is responsible for carrying out monthly:

Ø  entourage investigation raids around TB index cases identified at the FOSA; 

Ø  door-to-door visits for information and awareness about Tuberculosis in hotspots;

Ø  orientation and monitoring of the arrival in CDTs of suspected TB cases identified in the community;

Ø  home visits to monitor patient compliance in the community;

Ø  collection and transport to CDTs of sputum from indigent patients where applicable;

Furthermore, ACRA carries out quarterly 3-day campaigns to raise awareness and identify suspected tuberculosis patients in the municipalities of its satellite city of assignment.

ACRA supports the SSR in carrying out any additional activities.

Qualities of a Community Active Research Agent

·       Have good communication and interpersonal skills;

·       Know how to read, write and understand English and/or French;

·       Control Tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS;

·       Respect the values ​​of confidentiality, dignity, equity and justice;

·       Comply with all other conditions and procedures contained in the reference documents related to the implementation of the project

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