Context and rationale
The Far North has been plagued by increased insecurity since 2014 with attacks by
non-state armed groups, mainly the Boko Haram sect, making communities vulnerable and
access to basic social services difficult. In the Far North in general, the role played by
civil society organizations (CSOs) is no longer in doubt in vulnerable communities. They are able to overcome
ethnic, linguistic and religious barriers to carry out actions. However, given the very broad and relatively accessible geographical coverage
of the Far North Region, they have difficulty accessing funding
. To help address these shortcomings, the Community Resilience Support Program in
Cameroon (PARC-Cameroon), implemented by Family Health International (FHI 360) with funding from the
United States Agency for International Development (USAID), will work with CSOs called
strategic partners (intermediate support organizations-ISO and community capacity for resilience-CC4R) by
strengthening their institutional capacities so that they can better serve their communities and advance
sustainable development goals. To achieve the program objective, activities will be implemented in
the target localities of phase II of the program.
The Association Femme et Développement (AFD) was selected as a CC4R partner for this phase
II to implement activities in the localities of Maga and Guirvidig, Mayo Danay department for a
period of one year. This will involve assessing needs at the grassroots level and proposing community solutions, as well as trainingmembers of this community to address community resilience issues. AFD isa non-profit organization. It aims to create a world where women and girls live without violence, where theyhave equal opportunities to flourish and where the environment is protected for future generations.Thus, AFD is launching a call for projects for the recruitment of thirty (30) young cartographers in the localitiesof Maga and Guirvidig. Selection criteria Young girls and boys who meet the following conditions may apply:1. Master at least one of the local languages Mousgoum, Massa, Arabic Choi, Fulfuldé… spoken in theCommunity;2. Be a young person aged at least 18 and 29 years old at most;3. Be a resident of the Maga and Guirvidig community;4. Know how to use a smartphone or tablet (optional);×250&×280%2C0x0%2C308x250&nras=3&correlator=3997023243371&frm=20&pv=1&u_tz=180&u_his=1&u_h=846&u_w=412&u_ah=846&u_aw=412&u_cd=24&u_sd=2.625&dmc=4&adx=52&ady=2804&biw=412&bih=718&scr_x=0&scr_y=0&eid=44759875%2C44759926%2C44759842%2C31084127%2C42532524%2C44795921%2C95331832%2C95338226%2C31086567%2C31086140&oid=2&pvsid=1116970143444210&tmod=1267793370&uas=0&nvt=1&fc=384&brdim=0%2C0%2C0%2C0%2C412%2C0%2C412%2C718%2C412%2C718&vis=1&rsz=%7C%7Cs%7C&abl=NS&fu=1152&bc=31&bz=1&td=1&tdf=2&psd=W251bGwsbnVsbCxudWxsLDNd&nt=1&ifi=6&uci=a!6&btvi=2&fsb=1&dtd=102
5. Be able to read and write in French and/or English (optional);
6. Be available to participate in the Community Mapping effort;
7. Be willing to comply with PARC-Cameroon guidelines.
NB: female candidates and people living with disabilities are strongly encouraged.
Composition of the application file
To be admissible, applications must contain the following documents:
8. A photocopy of the birth certificate, National Identity Card (CNI) or valid receipt
9. A cover letter addressed to the Coordinator of the Association for Women and Development (AFD)
10. A recruitment form for young cartographers duly completed by the young candidate.
11. A letter of recommendation (if applicable).
The said application form can be collected from: ASMAKAÏ LEA (691801438), from the
secretariat of the Maga Town Hall, from the Lamidat of Guirvidig and from the AFD office.
Admissibility of application files
The files will be received on physical media and must be submitted to the AFD Office in Maga, to the Secretariat of the
municipality of Maga, to the Lamidat of Guivirdig and to our Gender Champion: ASMAKAÏ LEA (691801438)
or by email to the following address: no later than September 2, 2024 at 3:00 p.m.
Application files will be admissible no later than 10 days after the date of publication / posting of the call for applications.
NB: The closed envelope containing the application file must bear the words: “Recruitment of Young
Cartographers”. The files are submitted free of charge without any fees.
Selection procedure
The applications received will be examined and then reviewed by a selection committee made up of members
of the Advisory Committee and the AFD team. At the end of this review, the list of selected candidates will be posted
at the AFD office located opposite the Town Hall or at the Maga Town Hall and interested parties will be notified by telephone
Additional information and details
For any additional information, please visit the AFD office located at the
Community Education and Action Center (CEAC) in Maga or call: 696316699; 693939247; 691801438
Done in Maga on August 24, 2024
The President
BP: 952 Maroua
Headquarters: Maroua-Pitoiré Artisanal Complex next to the Urban Community of Maroua
Tel: 696 31 66 99 / 696 16 83 82 / 672 22 70 90