Local contract position to be filled on 01/09/2024 at Lycée Fustel de Coulanges, primary school site: Full service 40 hours per week.
Job profile:
Under the functional authority of the School Director, the ASEM is responsible for assisting teaching staff with the reception, entertainment and hygiene of very young children as well as the preparation and implementation cleanliness of premises and equipment used directly for these children. Specialized nursery school staff participate in the educational community.

Main missions:
Assist the teacher on a daily basis and guarantee the physical and emotional safety of young children during class time while helping in the development of their autonomy:
Reception with the children’s teacher (relations with parents are the responsibility of (teacher)
Help provided to children in their daily activities
Participation in education in the areas of dressing, tidying up and personal hygiene
Monitoring of children’s safety and hygiene
Assistance of the teacher in preparation and/or delivery of educational activities
Ensures the reception, storage and maintenance of educational materials
Compliance with safety rules related to the storage and handling of cleaning products
Layout and maintenance of premises and materials intended for children
Transmission of information
Participation in educational projects
Reception and monitoring of after-school time (daycare, daytime break)
Required skills
Diploma equivalent to CAP early childhood/BEPC/DNB
Similar professional experience of at least 3 years (that in a French establishment at foreign or international constitutes an asset).
Ability to work in a team and in pairs with a teacher under his authority.
Ability to ensure a good educational relationship in the school setting with students.
Ability to communicate with young people and adults, being able to balance one’s language and attitudes.
Adaptability and taking into account the instructions given.
Know how to demonstrate discretion and reserve towards members of the Educational Community and parents.
Demonstrate motivation for education and the school world.
Minimum diploma required: CAP/BEPC/DNB
Application files should be sent in duplicate (or sent by email to lycee@fustel-yaounde.net and crh@fustel-yaounde.net) to the Principal of Lycée Fustel de Coulanges until April 30, 2024 at 12 p.m.
They must include:
a letter of application;
a detailed curriculum vitae;
a set of references;
a photocopy of the birth certificate:
a certified photocopy of the diploma
a clean criminal record.
After pre-selection of files, candidates will be invited to an interview