UNDP for West and Central Africa: Outreach/social media campaign for the #IAMSAHEL project
Cameroon 12 weeks
500 assignment(s)
Open recruitment (advertised)
Advertisement end date:23/08/2024
Description of assignment title
Outreach/social media campaign for the #IAMSAHEL project
Assignment country: Cameroon
Expected start date
Sustainable Development Goal
17. Partnerships for the goals
For how many hours per week will the volunteer be required?
11 – 15
Host entity
UNDP for West and Central Africa
Type: Online
Duration: 12 weeks
Number of assignments: 500
Mission and objectives
As the United Nations lead agency on international development, UNDP works in 170 countries and territories to eradicate poverty and reduce inequality . We help countries to develop policies, leadership skills, partnering abilities, institutional capabilities, and to build resilience to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Our work is concentrated in three focus areas; sustainable development, democratic governance and peace building, and climate and disaster resilience.
UNDP’s mandate is to end poverty, build democratic governance, rule of law, and inclusive institutions. We advocate for change, and connect countries to knowledge, experience and resources to help people build a better life.https://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/pagead/ads?gdpr=1&gdpr_consent=CP5WeUAP5WeUAEsACBENAmEoAP_gAEPgAARgINJD7D7FbSFCwHpzaLsAMAhHRsCAQoQAAASBAmABQAKQIAQCgkAQFASgBAACAAAAICZBIQAECAAACUAAQAAAAAAEAAAAAAAIIAAAgAEAAAAIAAACAAAAEAAIAAAAEAAAmAgAAIIACAAAhAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQOhQD2F2K2kKFkPCmQWYAQBCijYEAhQAAAAkCBIAAgAUgQAgFIIAgAIFAAAAAAAAAQEgCQAAQABAAAIACgAAAAAAIAAAAAAAQQAAAAAIAAAAAAAAEAAAAAAAQAAAAIAABEhCAAQQAEAAAAAAAQAAAAAAAAAAABAAA&addtl_consent=2~2072.×250&url=https%3A%2F%2Fcameroun.minajobs.net%2Femplois-stage-recrutement%2F29289%2F&fwr=0&pra=3&rh=257&rw=308&rpe=1&resp_fmts=3&sfro=1&wgl=1&fa=27&uach=WyJBbmRyb2lkIiwiOS4wLjAiLCIiLCJTTS1HOTU1RiIsIjEyNy4wLjY1MzMuMTAzIixudWxsLDEsbnVsbCwiIixbWyJOb3QpQTtCcmFuZCIsIjk5LjAuMC4wIl0sWyJHb29nbGUgQ2hyb21lIiwiMTI3LjAuNjUzMy4xMDMiXSxbIkNocm9taXVtIiwiMTI3LjAuNjUzMy4xMDMiXV0sMF0.&dt=1724074987800&bpp=12&bdt=3004&idt=-M&shv=r20240814&mjsv=m202408140101&ptt=9&saldr=aa&abxe=1&cookie=ID%3Db361006cb2e7d767%3AT%3D1709807324%3ART%3D1724074767%3AS%3DALNI_MaMfsLPM2rKtsEtagh4uyT7AyoQLA&gpic=UID%3D00000d6b63fd17d1%3AT%3D1709807324%3ART%3D1724074767%3AS%3DALNI_Mas3alp5uQkqFbdxsznN9I60rwxUA&eo_id_str=ID%3Dd214c67c90b12ea2%3AT%3D1722265195%3ART%3D1724074767%3AS%3DAA-AfjbhUsCFU_Fga2UYJ44hdy9Y&prev_fmts=338×280%2C0x0&nras=2&correlator=6030871805307&frm=20&pv=1&u_tz=180&u_his=1&u_h=846&u_w=412&u_ah=846&u_aw=412&u_cd=24&u_sd=2.625&dmc=4&adx=52&ady=2348&biw=412&bih=718&scr_x=0&scr_y=0&eid=44759875%2C44759926%2C44759837%2C44795921%2C95334526%2C95334829%2C95337870%2C95340753%2C31086176&oid=2&pvsid=1671469222600782&tmod=792460817&uas=0&nvt=1&fc=384&brdim=0%2C0%2C0%2C0%2C412%2C0%2C412%2C718%2C412%2C718&vis=1&rsz=%7C%7Cs%7C&abl=NS&fu=1152&bc=31&bz=1&td=1&tdf=2&psd=W251bGwsbnVsbCxudWxsLDNd&nt=1&ifi=5&uci=a!5&btvi=1&fsb=1&dtd=120
The UNDP Sub-Regional Hub for West and Central Africa (WACA) otherwise known as the Dakar Hub is part of the larger Regional Service Center for Africa (RSCA) and is situated in Dakar, Senegal. It aims at strengthening resilience and sustainable development in the Sahel and WACA region by accelerating effective implementation of regional initiatives and supporting the 24 UNDP Country Offices in the region. To this effect, the Dakar Hub is well positioned to facilitate partnerships with UN regional representations in the sub-region, Regional Economic Commissions (RECs), regional and sub-regional institutions, research centers and institutes, donor representations, and other international organizations.
The Dakar Hub’s offer for the region in spread out into five key areas
1. Governance; 2) Youth; 3) Renewable Energy; 4) Climate Action & 5) Livelihoods, economic recovery, and human mobility in fragile, crisis and post crisis context.
The Sahel—a vast and diverse region that stretches from the Atlantic coast of Senegal to the borders of Chad stands amidst both challenges and immense potential. Made up of Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Guinea, Mauritania, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal and The Gambia, the region is home to over 384 million people. The region is characterized by its rich cultural diversity, strategic geopolitical significance, and youthful demographics, which present unique opportunities and challenges.
Despite issues such as political instability, conflict and climate change affecting some of the Sahelian countries, the region continues to demonstrate remarkable resilience driven by the desires and ambitions of its people to create change for themselves and their communities. Recent strides toward political stability and democratic governance in several countries, coupled with ongoing regional cooperation efforts, have started to give rise to a new narrative anchored on opportunity rather than adversity.
The Sahel’s diverse cultures and histories, from the nomadic communities in the arid north to the vibrant coastal cities in the west, contribute to its rich tapestry of life. These elements, along with the region’s abundant natural resources, are critical levers for its economic development. Recent initiatives in technology, agriculture, and renewable energy illustrate the region’s capacity for adaptation and growth. As the region navigates this transformation, there is a pressing need for platforms that amplify local voices and foster a deeper understanding of the Sahel’s dynamic landscape. This is where the #IAMSahel campaign steps in, aiming to highlight efforts being undertaken by Sahelians to drive sustainable transformation and spotlight opportunities often overshadowed by the prevailing focus on conflicts and crises. Task type Communication and social media Task description We are seeking support of 500 Online Volunteers to help us raising awareness and visibility on of the #IAMSAHEL campaign by focusing on the region’s uniqueness and the resilience, ingenuity, and diversity of its people. For this purpose, selected Online Volunteers, under the supervision and guidance of the UNDP and UNV foal points, will support by: – To share/post the social media card and other social media content through their personal social media handles – Promote the campaigns and opportunities published on the UNDP West and Central Africa region – Submit an activity report at the end of the assignment, the template will be provided. Selected Online Volunteers will be provided with information and material relevant and necessary to perform the task such as the designed card containing the message and #hashtags to be shared. Selected online volunteer will also be added to a WhatsApp’s group for a better collaboration.https://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/pagead/ads?gdpr=1&gdpr_consent=CP5WeUAP5WeUAEsACBENAmEoAP_gAEPgAARgINJD7D7FbSFCwHpzaLsAMAhHRsCAQoQAAASBAmABQAKQIAQCgkAQFASgBAACAAAAICZBIQAECAAACUAAQAAAAAAEAAAAAAAIIAAAgAEAAAAIAAACAAAAEAAIAAAAEAAAmAgAAIIACAAAhAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQOhQD2F2K2kKFkPCmQWYAQBCijYEAhQAAAAkCBIAAgAUgQAgFIIAgAIFAAAAAAAAAQEgCQAAQABAAAIACgAAAAAAIAAAAAAAQQAAAAAIAAAAAAAAEAAAAAAAQAAAAIAABEhCAAQQAEAAAAAAAQAAAAAAAAAAABAAA&addtl_consent=2~2072.×250&url=https%3A%2F%2Fcameroun.minajobs.net%2Femplois-stage-recrutement%2F29289%2F&fwr=0&pra=3&rh=257&rw=308&rpe=1&resp_fmts=3&sfro=1&wgl=1&fa=27&uach=WyJBbmRyb2lkIiwiOS4wLjAiLCIiLCJTTS1HOTU1RiIsIjEyNy4wLjY1MzMuMTAzIixudWxsLDEsbnVsbCwiIixbWyJOb3QpQTtCcmFuZCIsIjk5LjAuMC4wIl0sWyJHb29nbGUgQ2hyb21lIiwiMTI3LjAuNjUzMy4xMDMiXSxbIkNocm9taXVtIiwiMTI3LjAuNjUzMy4xMDMiXV0sMF0.&dt=1724074987800&bpp=10&bdt=3003&idt=10&shv=r20240814&mjsv=m202408140101&ptt=9&saldr=aa&abxe=1&cookie=ID%3Db361006cb2e7d767%3AT%3D1709807324%3ART%3D1724074767%3AS%3DALNI_MaMfsLPM2rKtsEtagh4uyT7AyoQLA&gpic=UID%3D00000d6b63fd17d1%3AT%3D1709807324%3ART%3D1724074767%3AS%3DALNI_Mas3alp5uQkqFbdxsznN9I60rwxUA&eo_id_str=ID%3Dd214c67c90b12ea2%3AT%3D1722265195%3ART%3D1724074767%3AS%3DAA-AfjbhUsCFU_Fga2UYJ44hdy9Y&prev_fmts=338×280%2C0x0%2C308x250&nras=3&correlator=6030871805307&frm=20&pv=1&u_tz=180&u_his=1&u_h=846&u_w=412&u_ah=846&u_aw=412&u_cd=24&u_sd=2.625&dmc=4&adx=52&ady=4303&biw=412&bih=718&scr_x=0&scr_y=0&eid=44759875%2C44759926%2C44759837%2C44795921%2C95334526%2C95334829%2C95337870%2C95340753%2C31086176&oid=2&pvsid=1671469222600782&tmod=792460817&uas=0&nvt=1&fc=384&brdim=0%2C0%2C0%2C0%2C412%2C0%2C412%2C718%2C412%2C718&vis=1&rsz=%7C%7Cs%7C&abl=NS&fu=1152&bc=31&bz=1&td=1&tdf=2&psd=W251bGwsbnVsbCxudWxsLDNd&nt=1&ifi=6&uci=a!6&btvi=2&fsb=1&dtd=153
Sahelian candidates, especially women, are strongly encouraged to apply
Required experience
Candidates should have previous experience in developing communication outreach with excellent communication and writing/editing skills. Previous experience in raising awareness among target audiences is an advantage. Good knowledge of online marketing and media tools and channel is highly desired.
A degree in marketing, marketing management, communications or related fields is considered an asset.

All applications must be submitted ONLINE at: UNDP Online
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kibong Lilian
P.o.box ;
Tell; 672858493
To The Manager of ;
Dear Sir/Madam.
An Application For a Job
Sir, it is with great honor to apply for the post of outreach or social media campaign as task description from the above, I am a cameroonian by birth 26 years old, a holder of bachelor degree in educational psychology, currently training as a social worker at Cecpes Cameroon, had internship with Caritas bamenda cathedral big mankon and at the divisional delegation of social affairs Bamenda. Sir I am willing to work under pressure and i will be so grateful if my application is considered.
Yours faithfully
Kibong Lilian
Zisuh Falefac Juliet
P.O Box: Yaounde
Tel: 677 67 14 69
22nd, August 2024.
The Manager of HIAMSAHEL Project.
Dear Sir/Madam,
An Application for an online volunteer position as an Outreach/ Social Media Campaign for the HIAMSAHEL Project.
Sir, it is with due honor that I the above mentioned, a Cameroonian by Nationality seeks to apply for the position as an online volunteer in your prestigious organization. I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology and Anthropology from the University of Buea in 2015 and currently pursing a Master Degree in Gender and Development from the University of Yaounde 1 also, following up a program of Clinical Social Work at the Center for Clinical Pastoral Education and Social Services of the Cameroon Baptist Convention Health Services.
Sir/ Madam, I have relevant experience for this position with good mastery of communication in English both spoken and written. I am able to work under pressure, respects date line and work in a team.
Sir/ Madam, i will be grateful if my application is taken into consideration.
Yours Faithfully
Zisuh Falefac Juliet.