La Campagnie fruitière, a company headquartered in Marseille, is the leading fruit producer in the ACP (Africa Caribbean
Pacific) zone. The group has its own fleet of specialized ships, with the company AH (Africa Express Une), which provides the highest quality maritime transport service for the transport of the group’s fruits and third-party producers. Compagnie Fruitière also has the largest network of banana ripening plants in Europe with 19 sites spread across 7 countries. Founded in 1973, PHP, Société des Plantations du Haut Penj_o~Cameroonian subsidiary of Compoqnie fruitLère,_q_uj_p~ananes.. Cocoa, pepper, exotic flowers and foliage as well as chocolate in the form of bars. It plays an important economic role in Cameroon as the country’s leading producer of dessert bananas, with more than 50% of national production. PHP is also recognized for its ambitious CSR policy. The following certifications or certificates have been awarded to it for all or part of its activities: GlabalGap, Fairtrade, Iso 14001, Testa Nurture, Sedex, BRC … Based on strong values, which are: The Well-being of Populations, High Quality Products, Preservation of the Environment, PHP federates on a daily basis its nearly 7,000 employees working in various fields for which it organizes skills transfers, thus participating in the development of local populations. In this approach, PHP is currently recruiting as part of its activities three (03) “(Irrigation Remote Managers”): (03) IRRIGATION REMOTE MANAGERS (M/F) JOB CHARACTERISTICS Fields of action: Njombé Job reference: OFEX-PHP24-09 Department: Technical and Materials Department Reporting to: Head of Irrigation Technical Service Type of contract: Professional Internship Place of work: PHP Plantations – Cameroon MISSION Ensure the proper functioning of remote management (remote management) of sectors irrigated by automation. MAIN ACTIVITIES —_——–._—- .:. Deployment and implementation of automation in the selected sectors .,/ Install the communication terminal allowing the remote sending of data on the connected sensors .,/ Ensure the connection, deployment and installation of connected sensors and control valves on the plots .,/ Ensure maintenance and monitoring of connected sensors .:. Monitoring and development of daily irrigations on the platform.

.,/ Schedule daily irrigations on the dedicated platform and monitor irrigations remotely
“/ Prepare the activity and anomaly report, in conjunction with the operation (Irrigation Foreman, Head of Ouarfler,” —
Fountain Operator …) on the possible patinas of the Irrigations that have been scheduled
.,/ Detect and repair anomalies in the field (antenna problems, batteries, vandalized sensors …)
.,/ Write a simplified report of irrigations (successful or not) with a classification of failures by category

PHP Communication Cell
./ Communicate regularly (daily feedback on major problems, weekly reports, …) on
the progress of the project
./ Be a force for proposals to deploy the technology in other sectors, PHP field
.:. Compliance with hygiene, safety measures, standards, environmental requirements and communication
• Be at least 18 years old
• Level of education: BAC + 5, Hydraulic Engineer / Civil or Rural / Agricultural Engineering
• Minimum 2 years in the production, transport or distribution of water or remote management
• Knowledge of agronomy / agriculture (banana production) • Experience in bibliographic and scientific studies of probes, sensors connected to regulating valves, management of irrigation projects • Ability to drive a motorcycle (A license required) • Good practice of French and / or English BEHAVIORAL SKILLS Responsiveness, courage, availability, autonomy, integrity, strength of proposal, respect for hierarchy and the environment, etc. HOW TO APPLY • Send CV + cover letter + photocopies of diploma with the title of the position in the subject (Télégestionnaire Irrigation) • Exclusive reception address: before August 10, 2024 If exceeded a period of 04 weeks from the expiration date of the offer, without any follow-up, please consider that your application has not caught our attention. NB: Female applications are strongly encouraged! PHP does not allow negative discrimination when an individual or group of individuals are considered less eligible based on their national origin, union membership, race, religion, age, sex (including pregnancy), marital status, combatant status, V / H status, etc. Nyombé,July 31, 2024 PLANTATIONS DU HAUT PENJA “PHP” Limited Company with capital of 14083100000 F CFA Headquarters: BP 5 NYOMBE (Rep. of Cameroon)×250&×280%2C0x0%2C308x250%2C308x250&nras=4&correlator=1514421837004&frm=20&pv=1&tl=en&u_tz=180&u_his=1&u_h=846&u_w=412&u_ah=846&u_aw=412&u_cd=24&u_sd=2.625&dmc=4&adx=52&ady=4367&biw=412&bih=718&scr_x=0&scr_y=0&eid=44759876%2C44759927%2C44759837%2C31085723%2C44798934%2C95334527%2C95334830%2C95337868%2C95339225%2C95336266%2C31078663%2C31078665%2C31078668%2C31078670&oid=2&psts=AOrYGsnjeZb3dxzTkvZre1-I5RKPn7QGAuNpFWq7yIpju9TWCvONPNnuLQUV96FKvVT2EhcEvUen-r6s4_yWgZtvJtUU&pvsid=1006490004662093&tmod=1423838609&uas=0&nvt=1&fc=384&brdim=0%2C0%2C0%2C0%2C412%2C0%2C412%2C718%2C412%2C718&vis=1&rsz=%7C%7Cs%7C&abl=NS&fu=1152&bc=31&bz=1&td=1&tdf=2&psd=W251bGwsbnVsbCxudWxsLDNd&nt=1&ifi=7&uci=a!7&btvi=3&fsb=1&dtd=120

RCCM 93/87 88 Mbanga
Tenant-manager of the SBM
1 U business: M060400018996 K RF. Du Réel
Office in Douala: Quai Fruitier n 12 at PAD
ISO-14001 certified by DNV since 2001
GLOBAL GAP certified by SGS since 2008
GGN: 4049929281585

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